郷土食いろは 郷土食レシピ


レシピ Recipe

やしょうま Ya-shou-ma rice cake




We make Ya-shou-ma rice cakes for the anniversary of the death of Buddha called "Ne-han-e", which is on February 15 on the old calendar, by kneading rice powder with water, coloring and making shapes in order to make it into an offering to Buddha. We can enjoy it by adding sesame seeds, soybeans, walnuts and so on as well as eating it as it is.

材料 Ingredients

◯上新粉(うるち米の粉) Joshin-ko rice powder…1㎏
◯白玉粉(もち米の粉) Shiratama-ko glutinous rice powder…60g
◯砂糖 Sugar…1カップ/1c ◯塩 Salt …大さじ½/1/2 tbsp
◯熱湯 Boiled water…3と½カップ/3.5 c
[具材 Seasonings]
◯ゴマ Sesame…17g ◯豆 Soybean…70g
◯青のり Green laver…適量 Decorative amount
◯しそまたは梅漬 Beefsteak plant or Japanese pickled plum…60g

作り方  How to make

1. 上新粉、砂糖、塩をよく混ぜ、ふるっておく。
1.Mix joshin-ko, sugar and salt very well and sift together.
2. 1.に熱湯を入れよくこねる。白玉粉はあらかじめ水でこねておいてよく混ぜる。
2.Knead the mixture after adding boiled water. Add Shiratama-ko to the mixture after kneading it with cool water.
3. 卵の大きさにちぎり、手で握って形を作り、蒸し器で20分位ふかす。
3.Break the dough into a size of an egg, shape by hand, and steam for 20 minutes.
4. 3.を冷水に入れ、水を切ってよくこねる。
4.Place into cold water and drain the dough followed by kneading.
5. 具を入れてよくこねる。
5.Add seasonings and knead well.
6. 具を棒状に延ばし、それを組み合わせて模様を作る。
6.Mold the dough into a bar shape and put bars together to make patterns.
7. 2、3時間おいて形が崩れないようになったら適宜切る。
7.Slice to serve when solid after leaving for 3 hours.

