郷土食いろは 郷土食レシピ


レシピ Recipe

うすやき(にらせんべい)Usu-Yaki pancake




Usu-yaki is a well-known pancake-like snack in Northern Nagano prefecture. Farmers used to have it as a snack between breakfast and lunch. Children also love it. You can enjoy its wide variety of tastes with putting fruits and vegetables of the season such as green chives, eggplants, and apples into the mixture of wheat flour or buckwheat flour and water and egg followed by panfrying.

材料 (26㎝フライパン2枚分) Ingredients(2pcs on 26cm frying pan)

◯小麦粉(中力粉) Wheat flour…カップ2/2 c (c = 200ml)
◯ニラ Green chive…100g
◯卵 Egg…1個/1 egg
◯水 Water…200ml
◯砂糖 Sugar…大さじ2/2 tbsp
◯みそ Soybean paste…大さじ1/2 tbsp
[つけ醤油 Sauce]
◯しょうゆ Soy sauce…大さじ2/2 tbsp
◯砂糖 Sugar…大さじ3/3 tbsp

作り方  How to make

1. ニラを1㎝に切る。
1.Cut green chives into 1cm pieces.
2. ボウルに卵を割りほぐし水を入れ、砂糖、みそを溶かして小麦粉を加え1. のニラを入れて混ぜ合わせる。
2.Mix beaten egg, water, sugar, soybean paste followed by wheat flour and green chives.
3. 薄く油を敷いたフライパン全面に2.を流し、両面をこんがり焼く。
3.Spray frying pan with oil. Use dough and cook both sides until golden and cooked through.
4. 切って砂糖醤油をつけて食べる。
4.Serve with sauce.

