郷土食いろは 郷土食レシピ


レシピ Recipe

ぶっこみ Bukkomi noodle soup




Bukkomi, which is also called as "Hou-tou", is a noodle soup. It's a popular local food mostly eaten during winter. The noodles are thin and wide. The soup is topped with a deep-fried tofu and flavored with soybean paste and plenty of vegetables. The name Bukkomi, some say, is after the way the noodles are made and roughly put into the pot.

材料 (4人分) Ingredients (Serves 4)

◯手打ち平麺 Flour-made flat noodle …4人分 Enough amount to serve 4
◯だし汁 Fish broth soup base…1200ml
◯かぼちゃ Pumpkin…1/8個/1/8 pc
◯しいたけ Shiita-ke mushroom…2枚/2
◯しめじ Shi-meji mushroom…100g
◯大根 Japanese radish…5㎝
◯たまねぎ Small onion…小1個/1
◯白菜 Chinese cabbage…3枚/3 pcs
◯油揚げ Deep-fried tofu…2枚/2 sheets
◯みそ Soybean paste…100g

作り方  How to make

1. 鍋に水6カップと煮干を入れて火にかけ、だしを取る。
1.Get fish broth by boiling Niboshi dried small sardines in 6 c of water in a pot.
2. 野菜は食べやすい大きさに切り、出し汁で煮る。
2.Stew convenient-sized cut vegetables with the fish broth.
3. みそを加え、沸騰したら手打ち麺を生のまま入れて煮込む。
3.Add soybean paste and raw noodles and continue to stew.

